Legendary Technical Support
Quick, efficient, and free solutions to any technical issues.
We respond to tickets within 15 minutes or faster. Day and night.

Quality Assurance
We are 100% confident in the high quality of our services. This is confirmed by numerous positive reviews and top rankings. Still in doubt? Test us absolutely free to convince yourself.

Hell for Cybercriminals
We have zero tolerance for spammers, fraudsters, and cybercriminals. In case of complaints, we promptly block accounts without refunds.

No Long-Term Contracts
We immediately offer the lowest price without requiring long-term contracts. You can cancel the service at any time and we will refund the remaining payment balance.

Full Control and Management
Shutdown the server? Reboot? Get console access? Install your own operating system? Easy! All our servers have IPMI and VNC access for maximum convenience.

Leading-Edge Technologies
Always in the loop. We monitor and test the latest hardware innovations and regularly update our server lines, so you have access to the most advanced technologies before they become mainstream.

Infrastructure of Any Complexity
Unlike most competitors, we can offer a wide range of flexible options for any complexity infrastructure. Any custom server configurations, fail-safe clusters, private clouds, private networks, and more.

Certified and Reliable Data Centers
Our data centers are quality and security certified. Tier III reliability level. Uptime is at least 99.9% Protection against unauthorized equipment access.

Legal Operations with Legal Entities
We have trading offices in Europe, the United Kingdom, and Russia. We accept payment from legal entities in your convenient currency (USD/EUR/RUB). We provide all necessary documents for your accounting.

Experience Ready to Share
Our team is ready to help solve for you both simple and complex tasks. From solving problems with your website to designing a robust and secure infrastructure for your enterprise. From private cloud to hybrid solutions that can significantly reduce infrastructure costs. More than 13 years of experience at your service.

Inferno Solutions Reviews
Inferno Solutions Reviews